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- Bezirgani A et Lachapelle U (2021). Online grocery shopping for the elderly in Quebec, Canada: The role of mobility impediments and past online shopping experience. Travel Behaviour and Society, 25, 133-143.
- Fausto BA, Adorno Maldonado PF, Ross LA, Lavallière M et Edwards JD (2020). A systematic review and meta-analysis of older driver interventions. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 1(149), 105852.
- Chen YT*, Mazer B, Myers A, Vrkljan B, Koppel S, Charlton JL, ... et Gélinas I (2020). Changes in older drivers' self-awareness of driving ability over one year. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 144, 105552.
- Castellucci HI, Bravo G, Arezes PM et Lavallière M (2020). Are interventions effective at improving driving in older drivers?: A systematic review. BMC Geriatrics, 20(125).
- Pigeon C, Blais E, Grondin R, Bolduc-Rouleau E, Fontaine-Pagé L, Lanoie N, ... et Levasseur M (2020). Vivre sans ma voiture : une intervention pour soutenir les Canadiens-francophones âgés. Canadian Journal on Aging/La Revue Canadienne du Vieillissement, 39(4), 614-625.
- Ducharme C, O'Neill E, Girard SM, Bélair C, Chagnon M et Levasseur M (2015). Effets du programme d'Apprentissage à l'utilisation du Transport en Commun (ATraCo) : une étude pré-expérimentale. Revue Francophone de Recherche en Ergothérapie, 1(2), 24-44.
- Koppel S, Liu PY, Griffiths D, Hua P, St. Louis RM, Stephan K, ... Gélinas I, ... et Charlton JL (2020). A comparison of older drivers’ driving patterns during a naturalistic on-road driving task with patterns from their preceding four-months of real-world driving. Safety Science, 125, 104652.
- Lachapelle U et Cloutier MS (2017). On the complexity of finishing a crossing on time: Elderly pedestrians, timing and cycling infrastructure. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 96, 54-63.
- Levasseur M, Audet T, Gélinas I, Bédard M, Renaud J, Coallier JC, ... et Therrien FH (2014). Outil de sensibilisation des conducteurs âgés aux capacités requises pour une conduite automobile sécuritaire et responsable (OSCAR) : développement et validation. Recherche Transports Sécurité, 2014(4), 257-269.
- Naglie G, Stasiulis E, Yamin S, Vrkljan B, Sanford S, Porter M, ... Gélinas I, ... et Bédard MJ (2020). An intervention framework and toolkit to ease the decision-making and transition to non-driving for persons with dementia and their family caregivers. Journal of the American Geriatric Society.
- Ruer P*, Gouin-Vallerand C et Vallières É (2016). Persuasive strategies to improve driving behaviour of elderly drivers by a feedback approach. Persuasive Technology, 110-121.
- Thouin A* et Cloutier MS (2019). Défis et possibilités pour les piétons âgés en région : le cas de Rouyn-Noranda (Québec). Cahiers de géographie du Québec, 62(176), 247-261.
- Vigeant A*, Arseneault-Legault M, Boily R, Buchanan S, Carosella JF, et Levasseur M (2017). Outil de sensibilisation des proches à la conduite automobile des aînés. La Revue canadienne du vieillissement, 36(3), 328-341.
- Gagnante du 2e prix au concours 2016 du RRSR pour les articles publiés par les étudiants
- El-Murr K, Robillard A, Waygood O et Boisjoly G (2021). Walking accessibility to parks: Considering number of parks, surface area and type of activities. Findings.
- Mitra R, Winters M, Manaugh K et Hess PM (2021). Usage and Public Support for Pandemic-Time Street Reallocation Projects in Three Canadian Urban Centres. Ryerson University: Toronto, Canada, 8 p.
Alcool et drogues
- Silvério Bazílio G, Alves Guimarães R, Nazif-Muñoz JI, Ouimet MC, Mamri A* et Morais Neto OL (2022). Estimate of the magnitude of risky and protective behaviors associated with road traffic injuries in capitals participating in the Life in Traffic Project of Brazil-based intervention assignment program. PLoS One, 17(10), e0275537.
- Brown TG, Moxley-Kelly N* et Ouimet MC (2022). Recidivism prevention for impaired driving: Longitudinal 5-year outcomes from Quebec's severity-based intervention assignment program. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 142.
- Nazif-Muñoz JI, Anakök GA, Joseph J*, Uprajhiya SK* et Ouimet MC (2022). A new alcohol-related traffic law, a further reduction in traffic fatalities? Analyzing the case of Turkey. Journal of Safety Research.
- Huynh C, Beaulieu-Thibodeau A*, Fallu JS, Bergeron J, Jacques A, et Brochu S (2022). Typologies of Canadian young adults who drive after cannabis use: A two-step cluster analysis. Behavioral Sciences & the Law, 1-22.
- Blazquez C, Cedeño Laurent JG et Nazif-Muñoz JI (2021). Differential impacts of ridesharing on alcohol-related crashes by socioeconomic municipalities: rate of technology adoption matters. BMC Public Health, 21(2008).
- Huynh C, Beaulieu-Thibodeau A*, Fallu JS, Bergeron J, Flores-Aranda J, Jacques A, et Brochu S (2021). Risk factors associated with driving after cannabis use among Canadian young adults. Journal of Drug Issues. Consultez l'article complet ici.
- Ouimet MC, Brown TG, Corado L, Paquette M, et Robertson RD (2020). The effects of alcohol dose, exposure to an in-vehicle alcohol feedback device, and subjective responses to alcohol on the decision to drink-drive in young drivers. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 139, 105495.
- Robertson RD, Woods-Fry H, Ward V, Brown TG et More C (2019). Drug-Impaired Driving - Research Needs. Transportation Research Circular E-C250, 55 p.
- Averill F*, Brown TG, Robertson RD, Tchomgang A, Berbiche D, Nadeau L, et Ouimet MC (2018). Transdermal alcohol monitoring combined with contingency management for driving while impaired offenders: A pilot randomized controlled study. Traffic Injury Prevention, 19(5), 455-461.
- Gagnante du 3e prix au concours 2018 du RRSR pour les articles publiés par les étudiants - Blais É et Maurice P (2019). Toward improved evaluations of laws against drink-driving. The Lancet, 10169, 297-298.
- Brown TG, Gianoulakis C, Tremblay J, Nadeau L, Dongier M, Ng Ying Kin NMK, ... et Ouimet MC (2005). Salivary cortisol: A predictor of convictions for driving under the influence of alcohol? Alcohol and Alcoholism, 40(5), 474-481.
- Brown TG, Ouimet MC, Nadeau L, Lepage M, Tremblay J, Dongier M et Kin NMK (2008). DUI offenders who delay relicensing: a quantitative and qualitative investigation. Traffic Injury Prevention, 9(2),109-118.
- Brown TG, Ouimet MC, Nadeau L, Gianoulakis C, Lepage M, Tremblay J et Dongier M (2009). From the brain to bad behaviour and back again: neurocognitive and psychobiological mechanisms of driving while impaired by alcohol. Drug and Alcohol Review, 28(4), 406-418.
- Brown TG, Dongier M, Ouimet MC, Tremblay J, Chanut F, Legault L et Ng Ying Kin NMK (2010). Brief motivational interviewing for DWI recidivists who abuse alcohol and are not participating in DWI intervention: a randomized controlled trial. Alcoholism: Clininical and Experimental Research, 34(2), 292-301.
- Brown TG, Dongier M, Ouimet MC, Tremblay J, Chanut F, Legault L et Ng Ying Kin NMK (2012). The role of demographic characteristics and readiness to change in 12-month outcome from two distinct brief interventions for impaired drivers. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 42(4), 383-391.
- Brown TG, Ouimet MC, Nadeau L, Tremblay J et Pruessner J (2015). Sex differences in the personality and cognitive characteristics of first-time DWI offenders. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 76(6), 928-934.
- Brown TG, Ouimet MC, Nadeau L, Tremblay J, Gianoulakis C, Couture S et Moxley-Kelly N* (2019). Cortisol stress response predicts 9-year risky driving convictions in male first-time driving-while-impaired offenders. Psychopharmacology (Berl), 237(1), 177-187.
- Chanut F, Dongier M, Legault L, Tremblay J, Nadeau L, Ouimet MC et Brown TG (2007). Étude pilote de l’entretien motivationnel chez des personnes condamnées pour conduite avec facultés affaiblies. Drogues, Santé et Société, 6(2), 83-115.
- Couture S, Brown TG, Ouimet MC, Gianoulakis C, Tremblay J et Carbonneau R (2008). Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis response to stress in male DUI recidivists. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 40(1), 246-253.
- Couture S, Brown TG, Tremblay J, Ng Ying Kin NMK, Ouimet MC et Nadeau L (2010). Are biomarkers of chronic alcohol misuse useful in the assessment of DWI recidivism status? Accident Analysis & Prevention, 42(1), 307-312.
- Couture S, Ouimet MC, Gianoulakis C, Tremblay J, Ng Ying Kin NMK, Brochu S, ... et Brown, TG (2015). Lower cortisol activity is associated with first-time driving while impaired. Substance Abuse : Research and Treatment, 9, 25–32.
- Dedovic K, Pruessner J, Tremblay J, Nadeau L, Ouimet MC, Lepage M et Brown TG (2016). Examining cortical thickness in male and female first-time driving while impaired with alcohol offenders compared to their controls. Neuroscience Letters, 619, 189-195.
- Huyhn C, Beauregard V, Bergeron J, Brochu S (2018). Portrait des infractions criminelles reliées à la conduite avec les capacités affaiblies au Québec de 2009 à 2016. Cahiers de la Sécurité et de la Justice, 43, 40-53.
- Moxley-Kelly N*, Ouimet MC, Dongier M, Chanut F, Tremblay J, Marcantoni W, et Brown TG (2019). The role of behavioral phenotypes on impaired driving recidivism risk and treatment response to brief intervention: A preliminary study. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 43(2), 324-333.
- Gagnant du 2e prix au concours 2018 du RRSR pour les articles publiés par les étudiants - Navarro J, Osiurak F, Gaujoux V, Ouimet MC et Reynaud E (2019). Driving under the influence: How music listening affects driving behaviors. Journal of Visualized Experiments, (145), 10.3791/58342.
- Nazif-Muñoz JI, Oulhote Y et Ouimet MC (2020). The association between legalization of cannabis use and traffic deaths in Uruguay. Addiction, [En ligne].
- Nazif-Muñoz JI, Batomen B, Oulhote Y, Spengler J et Nandi A (2020). State or market? How to effectively decrease alcohol-related crash fatalities and injuries. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health, 74, 502-509.
- Ouimet MC, Brown TG, Nadeau L, Lepage M, Pelletier M, Couture S, ... et Ng Ying Kin NMK (2007). Neurocognitive characteristics of DUI recidivists. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 39(4), 743-750.
- Ouimet MC, Dongier M, Di Leo I*, Legault L, Tremblay J, Chanut F et Brown TG (2013). A randomized controlled trial of brief motivational interviewing in impaired driving recidivists: A 5-year follow-up of traffic offenses and crashes. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 37(11), 1979-1985.
- Ouimet MC, Averill F*, Brown TG (2014). L'efficacité de l'entretien motivationnel dans la prévention secondaire et tertiaire de la conduite avec les capacités affaiblies par l'alcool: une revue systématique de la documentation. Drogues, santé et société, 13(2), 84-108.
- Ouimet MC, Brown TG, Corado L, Paquette M et Robertson RD (2020). The effects of alcohol dose, exposure to an in-vehicle alcohol feedback device, and subjective responses to alcohol on the decision to drink-drive in young drivers. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 139.
- Vanlaar W, Nadeau L, McKiernan A, Hing MM, Ouimet MC et Brown TG (2017). Canadian drivers' attitudes regarding preventative responses to driving while impaired by alcohol. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 106, 160-165.
- Fichten CS, Creti L, Rizzo D*, Bailes S, Baltzan M, Amsel R, et Libman E (2013). Do all individuals with sleep apnea suffer from daytime sleepiness? A preliminary investigation. Journal of Health Psychology, 18(6), 750-761.
- Henni K, Mezghani N, Gouin-Vallerand C, Ruer P*, Ouakrim Y et Vallières É (2018). Feature selection for driving fatigue characterization and detection using visual- and signal-based sensors. Applied Informatics, 5(7).
- Rizzo D*, Libman E, Creti L, Baltzan M, Bailes S, Fichten C, et Lavigne G (2018). Determinants of policy decisions for non-commercial drivers with OSA: An integrative review. Sleep Medicine Reviews, 37, 130-137.
- Gagnante du 3e prix au concours 2017 du RRSR pour les articles publiés par les étudiants - Rizzo D*, Lavigne G, Creti L, Baltzan M, Rompré P, Bailes S, ... et Libman E (2019). The role of fatigue and sleepiness in drivers with obstructive sleep apnea.Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 62, 796-804.
- Rizzo D*, Lavigne G, Libman E, Rompré P, Creti L, Bailes S et Fichten C (2019). Self-reported driving violations as a putative mirror measure of real-world driving quality in individuals with and without Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 62, 78-85.
- Rizzo D* et Baltzan M (2019). An objective measure of drowsy driving: are we there yet?. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, 15(9), 1191-1192.
- Brown TG, Ouimet MC, Eldeb M*, Tremblay J, Vingilis E, Nadeau L, ... et Bechara A (2016). Personality, executive control, and neurobiological characteristics associated with different forms of risky driving. PLoS ONE, 11(2), e0150227.
- Brown TG, Ouimet MC, Eldeb M*, Tremblay J, Vingilis E, Nadeau L, ... et Bechara A (2017). The effect of age on the personality and cognitive characteristics of three distinct risky driving offender groups. Personality and Individual Differences, 113, 48-56.
- Brown TG, Ouimet MC, Nadeau L, Tremblay J, Gianoulakis C, Couture S et Moxley-Kelly N* (2020). Cortisol stress response predicts 9-year risky driving convictions in male first-time driving-while-impaired offenders. Psychopharmacology (Berl), 237(1), 177-187.
- Cascio CN, Carp J, O'Donnell MB, Tinney FJ, Bingham CR, Shope JT, Ouimet MC, ... et Falk EB (2015). Buffering social influence: Neural correlates of response inhibition predict driving safety in the presence of a peer. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 27(1), 85-95.
- Couture S, Ouimet MC, Dedovic K, Laurier C, Plusquellec P et Brown TG (2018). Blunted cortisol reactivity and risky driving in young offenders – A pilot study. International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health, [En ligne].
- Falk EB, Cascio CN, O'Donnell MB, Carp J, Tinney FJ, Bingham CR, ... Ouimet MC, ... et Simons-Morton BG (2014). Neural responses to exclusion predict susceptibility to social influence. Journal of Adolescent Health, 54(5 Suppl.), S22-S31.
- Lemarié L, Bellavance F et Chebat JC (2019). Regulatory focus, time perspective, locus of control and sensation seeking as predictors of risky driving behaviors. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 127, 19-27.
- Michaels J*, Chaumillon R*, Nguyen-Tri D, Watanabe D, Hirsch P, Bellavance F, ... et Faubert J (2017). Driving simulator scenarios and measures to faithfully evaluate risky driving behavior: A comparative study of different driver age groups. PLoS One, 12(10), e0185909.
- Ouimet MC, Brown TG, Bédard JP et Bergeron J (2010). Measurement of readiness to reduce driving speed: A pilot study. Psychological Reports, 107(3), 749-761.
- Simons-Morton BG, Ouimet MC, Zhang Z, Klauer SG, Lee SE, Wang J, ... et Dingus TA (2011). The effect of passengers and risk-taking friends on risky driving and crashes/near crashes among novice teenagers. Journal of Adolescent Health, 49(6), 587-593.
- Simons-Morton BG, Ouimet MC, Chen R, Klauer SG, Lee SE, Wang J et Dingus TA (2012). Peer influence predicts speeding prevalence among teenage drivers. Journal of Safety Research, 43(5-6), 397-403.
- Simons-Morton BG, Bingham CR, Ouimet MC, Pradhan AK, Chen R, Barretto A et Shope JT (2013). The effect on teenage risky driving of feedback from a safety monitoring system: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Adolescent Health, 53(1), 21-26.
- Simons-Morton BG, Bingham CR, Falk EB, Li K, Pradhan AK, Ouimet MC, ... et Shope JT (2014). Experimental effects of injuctive norms on simulated risky driving among teenage males. Health Psychology, 33(7), 616-627.
- Simons-Morton BG, Li K, Ehsani JP, Ouimet MC, Perlus J et Klauer SG (2016). Are perceptions about driving risk and driving skill prospectively associated with risky driving among teenagers? Transportation Research Record, (2584), 39-44.
- DeWeese J, Manaugh K et El-Geneidy A (2021). Access During COVID. Dans D Levinson et A Ermagun (dir.), Applications of Access (p. 87-103). Network Design Lab, University of Sydney.
- Miktra R, Waygood O et Fullan J (2021). Subjective well-being of Canadian children and youth during the COVID-19 pandemic: The role of the social and physical environment and healthy movement behaviours. Preventive Medicine Reports, 23, 101404.
- Shearmur R, Ananian P, Lachapelle U, Parra-Lockhorst M, Paulhiac F, Tremblay D-G et Wycliffe-Jones A (2020). L'avenir du centre-ville de Montréal. Impact immédiat de la COVID et perspectives post-COVID. Université McGill : Montréal, Canada, 74 p.
- Vingilis E, Beirness D, Boase P, Byrne P, Johnson J, Jonah B, ... et Wiesenthal DL (2020). Coronavirus disease 2019: What could be the effects on road safety? Accident Analysis & Prevention, 144.
- Albert A*, Ouimet MC et Brown TG (2022). Negative mood mind wandering and unsafe driving in young male drivers. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 178, 106867.
- Brodeur M, Ruer P*, Léger PM et Sénécal S (2021). Smartwatches are more distracting than mobile phones while driving: Results from an experimental study. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 149, 105846.
- Albert DA*, Ouimet MC, Jarret J, Cloutier MS, Paquette M, Badeau N, et Brown TG (2018). Linking mind wandering tendency to risky driving in young male drivers. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 111, 125-132.
- Gagnant du 1er prix au concours 2017 du RRSR pour les articles publiés par les étudiants - Courtemanche F, Labonté-LeMoyne, Léger PM, Fredette M, Sénécal S, Cameron AF, Faubert J et Bellavance F (2019). Texting while walking: An expensive switch cost. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 127, 1-8.
- Klauer SG, Guo F, Simons-Morton BG, Ouimet MC, Lee SE, Dingus TA (2014). Distracted driving and risk of road crashes among novice and experienced drivers. The New England Journal of Medicine, 370(1), 54-59.
- Mourra GN, Sénécal S, Fredette M, Lepore F, Faubert J, Bellavance F, ... et Léger PM (2020). Using a smartphone while walking: The cost of smartphone-addiction proneness. Addictive Behaviors, 106, 106346.
- Mourra GN, Brieugne D, Rucco E, Labonté-Lemoyne É, Courtemanche F, Sénécal S, ... Faubert J, ... Bellavance F et Léger PM (2020). Measuring the Switch Cost of Smartphone Use While Walking. Journal of Visualized Experiments, (158), e60555.
- Ouimet MC, Pradhan AK, Simons-Morton BG, Divekar G, Mehranian H et Fisher DL (2013). The effect of male teenage passengers on male teenage drivers: findings from a driving simulator study. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 58, 132-139.
- Pradhan AK, Li K, Bingham CR, Simons-Morton BG, Ouimet MC et Shope JT (2014). Peer passenger influences on male adolescent drivers' visual scanning behavior during simulated driving. Journal of Adolescent Health, 54(5 Suppl.), S42-S49.
- Linovski O, Manaugh K, Baker DM (2022). The route not taken: Equity and transparency in unfunded transit proposals. Transport Policy. 122, 77-84.
- Naseri H, Waygood O, Wang B, Patterson Z et Daziano RA (2022). A Novel Feature Selection Technique to Better Predict Climate Change Stage of Change. Sustainability.
- Lachapelle U et Boisjoly G (2022). The Equity Implications of Highway Development and Expansion: Four Indicators. Transport Findings.
- Laffont P, Waygood O et Patterson Z (2022). How many electric vehicles are needed to reach CO2 emissions goals? A case study from Montreal, Canada. Sustainability, 14, 1441.
- Laviolette J, Morency C, Waygood O et Goulias KG (2021). Car ownership and the build environment: A spatial modeling approach. Transportation Research Record.
- Waygood O, Wang B, Daziano RA, Patterson Z, Braun Kohlová M (2021). The climate change stage of change measure: vehicle choice experiment. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management.
- Wang B, Waygood O, Daziano RA, Patterson Z et Feinberg M (2021). Does hedonic framing improve people's willingness-to-pay for vehicle greenhouse gas emissions? Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 98, 102973.
- Morency P, Plante C, Dubé AS, Goudreau S, Morency C, Bourbonnais PL, Eluru N, et al. (2020). The potential impacts of urban and transit planning scenarios for 2031 on car use and active transportation in a metropolitan area. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(14), 5061.
- Smargiassi A, Plante C, Morency P, Hatzopoulou M, Morency C, Eluru N, ... et Réquia WJ (2020). Environmental and health impacts of transportation and land use scenarios in 2061. Environment Research, [En ligne], 187(109622).
- Albert DA*, Ouimet MC, Jarret J, Cloutier MS, Paquette M, Badeau N, et Brown TG (2018). Linking mind wandering tendency to risky driving in young male drivers.Accident Analysis & Prevention, 111, 125-132.
- Gagnant du 1er prix au concours 2017 du RRSR pour les articles publiés par les étudiants - Bates L, Anderson L, Rodwell D et Blais É (2020). A qualitative study of young drivers and deterrence based road policing. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 71, 110-118.
- Bingham CR, Simons-Morton BG, Pradhan AK, Li L, Almani F, ... Ouimet MC et Albert PS (2016). Peer passenger norms and pressure: Experimental effects on simulated driving among teenage males. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 41(Part A), 124-137.
- Breault C, Déry J, Beaudry M, Chénard S, Gélinas I, Morales E et Lamontagne ME (2020). From knowledge to action: Measuring the gaps between the evidence and adapted driver education services for young adults with disabilities. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 4, 100065.
- Cascio CN, Carp J, O'Donnell MB, Tinney FJ, Bingham CR, Shope JT, Ouimet MC, ... et Falk EB (2015). Buffering social influence: Neural correlates of response inhibition predict driving safety in the presence of a peer. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 27(1), 85-95.
- Couture S, Ouimet MC, Dedovic K, Laurier C, Plusquellec P et Brown TG (2018). Blunted cortisol reactivity and risky driving in young offenders – A pilot study. International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health, [En ligne].
- Ehsani JP, Haynie DL, Luthers C, Perlus J, Gerber E, Ouimet MC, ... et Simons-Morton BG (2015). Teen drivers' perceptions of their peer passengers: Qualitative study. Transportation Research Record, (2516), 22-26.
- Ehsani JP, Haynie D, Ouimet MC, Guillaume C, Klauer SG et Simons-Morton BG (2017). Teen drivers' awareness of vehicle instrumentation in naturalistic research. Journal of Safety Research, 63, 127-134.
- Falk EB, Cascio CN, O'Donnell MB, Carp J, Tinney FJ, Bingham CR, ... Ouimet MC, ... et Simons-Morton BG (2014). Neural responses to exclusion predict susceptibility to social influence. Journal of Adolescent Health, 54(5 Suppl.), S22-S31.
- Guo F, Simons-Morton BG, Klauer SE, Ouimet MC, Dingus TA, Lee SE (2013). Variability in crash and near-crash risk among novice teenage drivers: a naturalistic study. Journal of Pediatrics, 163(6), 1670-1676.
- Klauer SG, Simons-Morton B, Lee SE, Ouimet MC, Howard EH et Dingus TA (2011). Novice drivers' exposure to known risk factors during the first 18 months of licensure: The effect of vehicle ownership. Traffic Injury Prevention, 12(2), 159-168.
- Klauer SG, Guo F, Simons-Morton BG, Ouimet MC, Lee SE, Dingus TA (2014). Distracted driving and risk of road crashes among novice and experienced drivers. The New England Journal of Medicine, 370(1), 54-59.
- Lee SE, Simons-Morton BG, Klauer SE, Ouimet MC et Dingus TA (2011). Naturalistic assessment of novice teenage crash experience. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 43(4), 1472-1479.
- Ouimet MC, Morton BG, Noelcke EA, Williams AF, Leaf WA, Preusser DF et Hartons JL (2008). Perceived risk and other predictors and correlates of teenagers' safety belt use during the first year of licensure. Traffic Injury Prevention, 9(1), 1-10.
- Ouimet MC, Simons-Morton BG, Zador PL, Lerner ND, Freedman M, Duncan GD et Wang J (2010). Using the U.S. National Household Travel Survey to estimate the impact of passenger characteristics on young drivers' relative risk of fatal crash involvement. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 42(2), 689-694.
- Ouimet, MC (2012). Les collisions routières des jeunes conducteurs : un problème important de santé publique. Médecine Sciences Amérique, 1(4), 62-68.
- Ouimet MC, Pradhan AK, Simons-Morton BG, Divekar G, Mehranian H, Fisher DL (2013). The effect of male teenage passengers on male teenage drivers: findings from a driving simulator study. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 58, 132-139.
- Ouimet MC, Brown TG, Guo F, Klauer SG, Simons-Morton BG, Fang Y, ... et Dingus TA (2014). Higher crash and near-crash rates in teenaged drivers with lower cortisol response: An 18-month longitudinal, naturalistic study. JAMA Pediatrics, 168(6), 517-522.
- Ouimet MC, Pradhan AK, Brooks-Russell A, Ehsani JP, Berbiche D et Simons-Morton BG (2015). Young drivers and their passengers: A systematic review of epidemiological studies on crash risk. Journal of Adolescent Health, 57, S24-S35.
- Poirier B*, Blais É et Faubert C (2018). Graduated driver licensing and differential deterrence: The effect of license type on intentions to violate road rules. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 110, 62-70.
- Pradhan AK, Li K, Bingham CR, Simons-Morton BG, Ouimet MC et Shope JT (2014). Peer passenger influences on male adolescent drivers' visual scanning behavior during simulated driving. Journal of Adolescent Health, 54(5 Suppl.), S42-S49.
- Simons-Morton B et Ouimet MC (2006). Parent involvement in novice teen driving: A review of the literature. Injury Prevention, 12(Suppl. 1), i30-i37.
- Simons-Morton BG, Ouimet MC et Catalano RF (2008). Parenting and the young driver problem. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 35(3 Suppl.), S294-S303.
- Simons-Morton BG, Ouimet MC, Zhang Z, Klauer SG, Lee SE, Wang J, ... et Dingus TA (2011). The effect of passengers and risk-taking friends on risky driving and crashes/near crashes among novice teenagers. Journal of Adolescent Health, 49(6), 587-593.
- Simons-Morton BG, Ouimet MC, Zhang Z, Klauer SG, Lee SE, Wang J, ... et Dingus TA (2011). Crash and risky driving involvement among novice adolescent drivers and their parents. American Journal of Public Health, 101(12), 2362-2367.
- Simons-Morton BG, Ouimet MC, Chen R, Klauer SG, Lee SE, Wang J et Dingus TA (2012). Peer influence predicts speeding prevalence among teenage drivers. Journal of Safety Research, 43(5-6), 397-403.
- Simons-Morton BG, Bingham CR, Ouimet MC, Pradhan AK, Chen R, Barretto A et Shope JT (2013). The effect on teenage risky driving of feedback from a safety monitoring system: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Adolescent Health, 53(1), 21-26.
- Simons-Morton BG, Bingham CR, Falk EB, Li K, Pradhan AK, Ouimet MC, ... et Shope JT (2014). Experimental effects of injuctive norms on simulated risky driving among teenage males. Health Psychology, 33(7), 616-627.
- Simons-Morton BG, Klauer SG, Ouimet MC, Guo F, Albert PS, Lee SE, ... et Dingus TA (2015). Naturalistic teenage driving study: Findings and lessons learned. Journal of Safety Research, 54, 41-44.
- Simons-Morton BG, Li K, Ehsani JP, Ouimet MC, Perlus J et Klauer SG (2016). Are perceptions about driving risk and driving skill prospectively associated with risky driving among teenagers? Transportation Research Record, (2584), 39-44.
- Zakrajsek JS, Shope JT, Ouimet MC, Wang J et Simons-Morton BG (2009). Efficacy of a brief group parent-teen intervention in driver education to reduce teenage driver injury risk: A pilot study. Family & Community Health, 32(2), 175-188.
- Sheikh-Mohammad-Zadeh A*, Saunier N et Waygood W (2022). Developing an objective framework to evaluate street functions. Sustainability, 14(13), 7184.
- Moradi E et Miranda-Moreno L (2022). A mixed ensemble learning and time-series methodology for category-specific vehicular energy and emissions modeling. Sustainability, 24(3), 1-26.
- Wang X, Miranda-Moreno L et Sun L (2021). Hankel-structured tensor robust PCA for multivariate traffic time series anomaly detection. arXiv, 2110.04352.
- Pasini K, Khouadjia M, Samé A, Trépanier M et Oukhellou L (2021). Contextual anomaly detection on time series: a case study of metro ridership analysis. Neural Computing and Applications, epub.
- Moradi E et Miranda-Moreno L (2020). Vehicular fuel consumption estimation using real-world measures through cascaded machine learning modelling. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 88, 102576.
- Wang X, Cheng Z, Trépanier M et Sun L (2020). Modelling bike-sharing demand using a regression model with spatially varying coefficients. CIRRELT: Montréal, Canada, 16 p.
- Chen YT*, Gélinas I et Mazer B (2020). Development of a weighted scoring system for the Electronic Driving Observation Schedule (eDOS). MethodsX, 7, 101099.
- Beauchamp É*, Saunier N, Alizadeh H et Nazem M (2020). Validation des technologies de comptages des véhicules à l'entrée d'un stationnement. Routes & Transports, 49(1), 24-30.
- Ferster C, Fischer J, Manaugh K, Nelson T et Winters M (2020). Using OpenStreetMap to inventory bicycle infrastructure: A comparison with open data from cities. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 14(1), 64-73.
- Fu T*, Stipancic J*, Zangenehpour S, Miranda-Moreno L et Saunier N (2017). Automatic traffic data collection under varying lighting and temperature conditions in multimodal environments: Thermal versus visible spectrum video-based systems. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2017, Article ID 5142732.
- Gagnant du 1er prix au concours 2016 du RRSR pour les articles publiés par les étudiants - Jain AG et Saunier N (2020). Autocamera calibration for traffic surveillance cameras with wide angle lenses. arXiv, 2001.07243.
- Ooi HL, Bilodeau GA et Saunier N (2020). Supervised and unsupervised detections for multiple object tracking in traffic scenes: A comparative study. arXiv, 2003.13644.
- Stipancic J*, Miranda-Moreno L, et Saunier N (2017). Impact of congestion and traffic flow on crash frequency and severity: application of smartphone-collected GPS travel data. Transportation Research Record, (2659), 43-54.
- Stipancic J*, Miranda-Moreno L, et Saunier N (2018). Vehicle manoeuvers as surrogate safety measures: Extracting data from the gps-enabled smartphones of regular drivers. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 115, 160-169.
- Stipancic J*, Miranda-Moreno L, Saunier N et Labbe A (2019). Network screening for large urban road networks: Using GPS data and surrogate measures to model crash frequency and severity. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 125, 290-301.
- Waygood O, van den Berg P et Kemperman A (2021). The social dimensions of children's travel. Advances in Transport Policy and Planning, epub.
- Deschaintres E, Morency C et Trépanier M (2021). Measuring changes in multimodal travel behavior resulting from transport supply improvement. Transportation Research Record, epub.
- Chang A et Miranda-Moreno L (2020). Rethinking the way we move beyond COVID-19. SAE Technical Paper WP-0012, 13 p.
- Gerber P, El-Geneidy A, Manaugh K et Lord S (2020). From workplace attachment to commuter satisfaction before and after a workplace relocation. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 71, 168-181.
- Lachapelle U, Boisjoly G et Vermesch P (2020). Réalisation d'un portrait des besoins et des habitudes de déplacements des personnes vivant en situation de précarité dans la région de Montréal. Ville de Montréal et ARTM: Montréal, Canada, 112 p.
- Sun L, Chen X, He Z et Miranda-Moreno L (2020). Routine pattern discovery and anomaly detection in individual travel behavior. arXiv, 2004.03481.
- Waygood O, Olsson LE, Taniguchi A et Friman M (2019). The role of children's independent mobility and social media use for face-to-face social interaction with friends. Transportation, 47, 1987-2009.
- Young M et Lachapelle U (2017). Transportation behaviours of the growing Canadian single-person households. Transport Policy, 57, 41-50.
- Zhu L, Duval C, Boissy P, Montero-Odasso M, Zou G, Jog M et Speechley M (2020). Comparing GPS-based community mobility measures with self-report assessments in older adults with Parkinson’s disease. The Journals of Gerontology: Series A, glaa012.
- Chen M, Sun Y, Waygood O, Wang D et Liu D (2022). Will they ride them back? User behavior on public bikesharing schemes: Case study of Hangzhou, China. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation.
- Chen M, Sun Y, Waygood O, Yu J et Zhu K (2022). User characteristics and service satisfaction of car sharing systems: Evidence from Hangzhou, China. PloS ONE, 17(2), e0263476.
- Amiour Y*, Waygood O et van der Berg P (2022). Objective and perceived traffic safety for children: A systematic literature review of traffic and built environment characteristics related to safe travel. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(5), 2641.
- Lavallière M, Tremblay M, Lefebvre F*, Billot M et Handrigan GA (2021). Aging, obesity, and motor vehicle collisions. Frontiers in Sustainable Cities, 2(22), epub.
- Rothman L, Hagel B, Howard A, Cloutier MS, Macpherson A, Nettel Aguirre A, ... et Winters M (2021). Active school transportation and the built environment across Canadian cities: Findings from the child active transportation safety and the environment (CHASE) study. Preventive Medicine, 146, 106470.
Collisions, blessures
- Imhoff S*, Lavallière M, Teasdale N et Fait P (2016). Driving assessment and rehabilitation using a driving simulator in individuals with traumatic brain injury: A scoping review. NeuroRehabilitation, 39(2), 239-251.
- McKerral M, Moreno A, Delhomme P et Gélinas I (2019). Driving behaviors 2-3 years after traumatic brain injury rehabilitation: A multicenter case-control study. Frontiers in Neurology, 10, 144.
Capacité de conduire affaiblie
- Averill F*, Brown TG, Robertson RD, Tchomgang A, Berbiche D, Nadeau L, et Ouimet MC (2018). Transdermal alcohol monitoring combined with contingency management for driving while impaired offenders: A pilot randomized controlled study. Traffic Injury Prevention, 19(5), 455-461.
- Gagnante du 3e prix au concours 2018 du RRSR pour les articles publiés par les étudiants - Brown TG, Ouimet MC, Nadeau L, Lepage M, Tremblay J, Dongier M et Kin NMK (2008). DUI offenders who delay relicensing: a quantitative and qualitative investigation. Traffic Injury Prevention, 9(2),109-118.
- Brown TG, Ouimet MC, Nadeau L, Gianoulakis C, Lepage M, Tremblay J et Dongier M (2009). From the brain to bad behaviour and back again: neurocognitive and psychobiological mechanisms of driving while impaired by alcohol. Drug and Alcohol Review, 28(4), 406-418.
- Brown TG, Dongier M, Ouimet MC, Tremblay J, Chanut F, Legault L et Ng Ying Kin NMK (2010). Brief motivational interviewing for DWI recidivists who abuse alcohol and are not participating in DWI intervention: a randomized controlled trial. Alcoholism: Clininical and Experimental Research, 34(2), 292-301.
- Brown TG, Dongier M, Ouimet MC, Tremblay J, Chanut F, Legault L et Ng Ying Kin NMK (2012). The role of demographic characteristics and readiness to change in 12-month outcome from two distinct brief interventions for impaired drivers. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 42(4), 383-391.
- Chanut F, Dongier M, Legault L, Tremblay J, Nadeau L, Ouimet MC et Brown TG (2007). Étude pilote de l’entretien motivationnel chez des personnes condamnées pour conduite avec facultés affaiblies. Drogues, Santé et Société, 6(2), 83-115.
- Couture S, Brown TG, Tremblay J, Ng Ying Kin NMK, Ouimet MC et Nadeau L (2010). Are biomarkers of chronic alcohol misuse useful in the assessment of DWI recidivism status? Accident Analysis & Prevention, 42(1), 307-312.
- Moxley-Kelly N*, Ouimet MC, Dongier M, Chanut F, Tremblay J, Marcantoni W, et Brown TG (2019). The role of behavioral phenotypes on impaired driving recidivism risk and treatment response to brief intervention: A preliminary study. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 43(2), 324-333.
- Gagnant du 2e prix au concours 2018 du RRSR pour les articles publiés par les étudiants - Ouimet MC, Dongier M, Di Leo I*, Legault L, Tremblay J, Chanut F et Brown TG (2013). A randomized controlled trial of brief motivational interviewing in impaired driving recidivists: A 5-year follow-up of traffic offenses and crashes. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 37(11), 1979-1985.
- Ouimet MC, Averill F*, Brown TG (2014). L'efficacité de l'entretien motivationnel dans la prévention secondaire et tertiaire de la conduite avec les capacités affaiblies par l'alcool: une revue systématique de la documentation. Drogues, santé et société, 13(2), 84-108.
- Nazif-Muñoz JI, Batomen B et Nandi A (2022). Does ridesharing affect road safety? The introduction of Moto-Uber and other factors in the Dominican Republic. Research in Globalization, 4, 100077.
- Nazif-Muñoz JI, Quesnel-Vallée A et van den Berg A (2021). Global diffusion of three road safety policies, 1964-2015. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 8(272).
- Ouimet MC, Brown TG, Cloutier MC, Gélinas I, Joseph J*, Lavallière M, Mamri A*, Martinez Diaz PA, Nazif-Muñoz JI, Saunier N, Uprajhiya SK*, Vallières EF (2021). The Global Plan of Action for the 2021 – 2030 Decade of Action for Road Safety consultation: Response by members of the Réseau de recherche en sécurité routière du Québec (Canada). RRSR: Montréal, Canada, 12 p.
- Nazif-Muñoz JI, Martínez P*, Williams A et Spengler J (2021). The risks of warm nights and wet days in the context of climate change: Assessing road safety outcomes in Boston, USA and Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. Injury Epidemiology, 8(47).
- Amberber N, Howard A, Winters M, Harris MA, Macpherson A, Cloutier MS, ... et Rothman L. (2021). Road traffic injury during the COVID-19 pandemic: Cured or a continued threat? University of Toronto Journal of Public Health, 2(1), 1-7.
- Bergeron J (2020). COVID-19, sécurité routière et groupes à risques : relations entre stress, anxiété, alcool et cannabis. Routes & Transports, 49(2), 32-37.
- Delavary M, Ghayeninezhad Z et Lavallière M (2020). Evaluating the impact of increased fuel cost and Iran's currency devaluation on road traffic volume and offenses in Iran, 2011-2019. Safety, 6(4), 49.
- Nazif-Muñoz JI, Cuadrado C, Oulhote Y et Spengler J (2020). Do election laws restricting public road publicity reduce road traffic crashes and their consequences. Epidemiology, 31(4), 490-498.
- Nazif-Muñoz JI, Puello A, Williams A et Nandi A (2020). Can a new emergency response system reduce traffic fatalities? The case of the 911-emergency response system in the Dominican Republic. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 143, 105513.
- Dionne G et Liu Y (2019). Effects of insurance incentives on road safety: Evidence from a natural experiment in China. The Scandinavian Journal of Economics. epub ahead of publication.
- Nazif-Muñoz JI, Nandi A et Ruiz-Casares M (2018). Protecting only white children: the impact of child restraint legislation in Brazil. Journal of Public Health, 1-9.
- Grenier S, Hamel-Charest L, McMurphy S et Angell B (2016). Être bien attaché à la vie : sécurité routière dans les familles anicinabek. Enfances Familles Générations, [En ligne], 25.
- Pan L, Waygood O et Patterson Z (2022). Would you wait? Bus choice behavior analysis considering various incentives. Journal of the Transportation Research Board.
- Cui B, DeWeese J, Wu H, King DA, Levinson D et El-Geneidy A (2022). All ridership is local: Accessibility, competition, and stop-level determinants of daily bus boardings in Portland, Oregon. Journal of Transport Geography, 99, 103294.
- Zarabi Z et Waygood O (2021). Shifting to public transport: The influence of soft interventions. Montréal, Canada, 50 p.
- De Vos J, Waygood O, Letarte L et Cao M (2021). Do frequent satisfying trips by public transportation impact its intended use in later life? Transportation, epub.
- Vermesch P, Boisjoly G et Lachapelle U (2021). Commuting mode share and workplace-based public transport services: An equity perspective. Case Studies on Transport Policy, 9(2), 590-599.
- Boisjoly G, Deboosere R, Wasfi R, Orpana H, Manaugh K, Buliung R et El-Geneidy A (2020). Measuring accessibility to hospitals by public transport: An assessment of eight Canadian metropolitan regions. Journal of Transport & Health, 18, 100916.
- Toqué F, Côme E, Trépanier M et Oukhellou L (2020). Forecasting of the Montreal subway smart card entry logs with event data. arXiv, 2008.09842.
- Cheng Z, Trépanier M et Sun L (2020). Incorporating travel behavior regularity into passenger flow forecast. arXiv, 2004.00992.
- Cui B, Boisjoly G, Miranda-Moreno L et El-Geneidy A (2020). Accessibility matters: Exploring the determinants of public transport mode share across income groups in Canadian cities. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 80, 102276.
- De Vos J, Waygood O et Letarte L (2020). Modeling the desire for using public transport. Travel Behaviour and Society, 19, 90-98.
- Filiatrault JF, Boucher N, Archambault P, Gélinas I et Croteau C (2019). Favoriser l’utilisation du transport en commun grâce à une formation offerte à des personnes ayant des limitations motrices. Neurophysiologie Clinique, 49(6), 423-424.
- Garnier C*, Trépanier M et Morency C (2020). Adjusting dwell time for paratransit services. Transportation Research Record, [En ligne].
- He L, Agard B et Trépanier M (2020). A classification of public transit users with smart card data based on time series distance metrics and a hierarchical clustering method. Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, 16(1), 56-75.
- Lachapelle U et Pinto DG (2016). Longer or more frequent walks: Examining the relationship between transit use and active transportation in Canada. Journal of Transport & Health, 3(2), 173-180.
- Lachapelle U, Frank LD, Sallis JF, Saelens BE et Conway TL (2016). Active transportation by transit-dependent and choice riders and potential displacement of leisure physical activity. Journal of Planning Education and Research, 36(2), 225-238.
- Lachapelle U (2015). Walk, bicycle, and transit trips of transit-dependent and choice riders in the 2009 United States National Household Travel Survey. Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 12(8), 1139-1147.
- Stipancic J*, Zangenehpour S, Miranda-Moreno L, Saunier N, et Granié MA (2016). Investigating the gender differences on bicycle-vehicle conflicts at urban intersections using an ordered logit methodology. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 97, 19-27.
- Gagnant du 3e prix au concours 2016 du RRSR pour les articles publiés par les étudiants - Stipancic J*, Miranda-Moreno L, Labbe A, et Saunier N (2017). Measuring and visualizing space–time congestion patterns in an urban road network using large-scale smartphone-collected GPS data. Transportation Letters, 1-11.
- Winters M, Beaisto J, Ferster C, Laberee K, Manaugh K, Nelson T (2022). Système de mesures du confort et de la sécurité des voies cyclables canadiennes (Can-BICS) : mesures nationales de l’environnement cyclable aux fins d’utilisation dans la recherche et l’élaboration de politiques. Statistique Canada: Ottawa, Canada, 15 p.
- Rampinelli A, Calderon JF, Blazquez CA, Sauer-Brand K, Hamann N et Nazif-Muñoz JI (2022). Investigating the risk factors associated with injury severity in pedestrian crashes in Santiago, Chile. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(17), 11126.
- Nabavi Niaki M, Wijlhuizen GJ et Dijkstra A (2021). Safety enhancing features of cycling infrastructure - Review of evidence from Dutch and international literature. SWOV: La Haye, Pays-Bas, 33 p.
- Cloutier MS et Huguenin-Richard F (2021). Marchabilité. Dans KE Demailly, J Monnet, J Scapino et S Deraeve (dir.), Dictionnaire pluriel de la marche en ville. L'oeil d'or.
- Carnis L, Casteels Y, Mignot D et Ouimet MC (2021). Les enjeux de sécurité chez les piétons et les cyclistes, éditorial. Recherche Transports Sécurité, epub.
- Quintin H*, Cloutier MS et Waygood O (2021). Sécurité vécue et perçue par les piétons aux intersections signalées : comparaison entre l'environnement bâti, routier et le phasage des feux à Montréal et Québec, Canada. Recherche Transports Sécurité, epub.
- Nabavi Niaki M, Dijkstra A et Wijlhuizen GJ (2021). Bicycle safety before and after the redesign of intersections in The Hague. SWOV: La Haye, Pays-Bas, 40 p.
- Huguenin-Richard F et Cloutier MS (2021). Mesure du potentiel de marche et de l'accessibilité dans les espaces urbains pour les piétons âgés. Flux, 1(123), 30-53.
- Cloutier MS et Andreetta V (2021). La contribution des politiques familiales municipales au développement des tout-petits (p. 171-180); Cloutier MS et Bessai K (2021). L'accès des tout-petits et de leur famille au transport collectif (p. 193-202). Dans Observatoire des tout-petits (dir.), Que faisons-nous au Québec pour nos tout-petits et leur famille : Portrait des politiques publiques 2021. Fondation Lucie et André Gagnon.
- Cloutier MS et Huguenin-Richard F (2021). Walking in the city: seniors' experience in Canada and France. Dans M Hartt, MW Rosenberg, S Biglieri et S Nelson (dir.), Aging People, Aging Places: Experiences, Opportunities, and Challenges of Growing Older in Canada. (1re édition). Policy Press.
- Lachapelle U, Carpentier-Laberge D*, Cloutier MS et Ranger L* (2021). A framework for analyzing collisions, near misses and injuries of commercial cyclists. Journal of Transport Geography, 90, 102937.
- Doran A, El-Geneidy A et Manaugh K (2021). The pursuit of cycling equity: A review of Canadian transport plans. Journal of Transport Geography, 90, 102927.
- Cloutier MS, Beaulieu E, Fridman L, Macpherson AK, Hagel BE, Howard AW, .... et Rothman L (2020). State-of-the-art review: previewing child and youth pedestrian motor vehicle colllisions: critical issues and future directions. Injury Prevention, epub ahead of print.
- Torres J, Cloutier MS, Bergeron J et St-Denis A (2020). 'They installed a speed bump': children's perceptions of traffic-calming measures around elementary schools. Children's Geographies, 18(4), 477-489.
- Boisjoly G, Lachapelle U et El-Geneidy A (2020). Bicycle network performance: Assessing the directness of bicycle fatalities through connectivity measures, a Montreal, Canada case study. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 14(8), 620-634.
- Battista GA et Manaugh K (2019). Examining social inclusion among pedestrian plans in Canada. The Canadian Geographer, 63(4), 663-675.
- Beitel D*, Stipancic J*, Manaugh K et Miranda-Moreno L (2018). Assessing safety of shared space using cyclist-pedestrian interactions and automated video conflict analysis. Transportation Research Part D, 65, 710-724.
- Gagnant du 1er prix au concours 2018 du RRSR pour les articles publiés par les étudiants - Burigusa G, Lavoie M, Maurice P, Hamel D et Duranceau A (2011). Sécurité des élèves du primaire lors des déplacements à pied et à vélo entre la maison et l'école au Québec. INSPQ: Montréal, Canada, 107 p.
- Cloutier MS, Lachapelle U, D’Amours-Ouellet AA*, Bergeron J, Lord S et Torres J (2017). “Outta my way!” Individual and environmental correlates for interactions between pedestrians and vehicles during street crossings. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 104, 36-45.
- Cloutier MS, Séguin R et Saunier N (2019). Environnement routier et blessés cyclistes résultants d'une collision avec un véhicule : quels facteurs de risque dans un milieu régional faiblement densifié? Cybergeo : European Journal of Geography [En ligne], 893.
- Fridman L, Ling R, Rothman L, Cloutier MS, Macarthur C, Hagel B et Howard AW (2020). Effect of reducing the posted speed limit to 30 km per hour on pedestrian motor vehicle collisions in Toronto, Canada-a quasi experimental, pre-post study. BMC Public Health, 20(56).
- Fu T*, Miranda-Moreno L, et Saunier N (2016). Pedestrian crosswalk safety at nonsignalized crossings during nighttime: use of thermal video data and surrogate safety measures. Transportation Research Record, (2586), 90-99.
- Fu T*, Miranda-Moreno L et Saunier N (2018). A novel framework to evaluate pedestrian safety at non-signalized locations. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 111, 23-33.
- Gagnant du 2e prix au concours 2017 du RRSR pour les articles publiés par les étudiants - Fu T*, Hu W, Miranda-Moreno L et Saunier N (2019). Investigating secondary pedestrian-vehicle interactions at non-signalized intersections using vision-based trajectory data. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 105, 222-240.
- Godillon S* et Cloutier MS (2018). Sur le chemin de l'école : perceptions de parents et d'enfants du primaire face au risque routier lors de la mise en place d'un Trottibus au Québec. Enfances Familles Générations, 30, epub ahead of publication.
- Heydari S, Miranda-Moreno L et Hickford AJ (2020). On the causal effect of proximity to school on pedestrian safety at signalized intersections: A heterogeneous endogenous econometric model. Analytic Methods in Accident Research, 26, 100115.
- Hosford K, Cloutier MS et Winters M (2020). Observational study of pedestrian and cyclist interactions at intersections in Vancouver, BC and Montréal, QC. Transportation Research Record.
- Lachapelle U et Cloutier MS (2017). On the complexity of finishing a crossing on time: elderly pedestrians, timing and cycling infrastructure. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 96 (Feb.), 54-63.
- Lachapelle U, Carpentier Laberge D* et Cloutier MS (2020). La multiplication des services de livraison à vélo et les problèmes de santé et de sécurité des cyclistes commerciaux : élaboration de bonnes pratiques. IRSST: Montréal, Canada, 89 p.
- Lesani A*, Nateghinia E* et Miranda-Moreno L (2020). Development and evaluation of a real-time pedestrian counting system for high-volume conditions based on 2D LiDAR. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 114, 20-35.
- Lévesque P, Lavoie M, Pigeon É, Burigusa G, Blais É et Maurice P (2018). La sécurité des cyclistes: importance du casque de vélo et pertinence de le rendre obligatoire au Québec. INSPQ: Montréal, Canada, 179 p.
- Ling R, Rothman L, Cloutier MS, Macarthur C et Howard AW (2020). Cyclist-motor vehicle collisions before and after implementation of cycle tracks in Toronto, Canada. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 135.
- Nabavi Niaki MS*, Fu T*, Saunier N, Miranda-Moreno L, Amador L et Bruneau JF (2016). Road lighting effects on bicycle and pedestrian accident frequency: Case study in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Transportation Research Record, (2555), 86-94.
- Nabavi Niaki MS*, Saunier N et Miranda-Moreno L (2019). Is that move safe? Case study of cyclist movements at intersections with cycling discontinuities. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 131, 239-247.
- Reid GA*, Delucinge N*, Waygood O et Brochu J (2017). Transforming an alley-way: A place for people or for cars? Journal of Transport & Health, 5, S19-S20.
- Robitaille É, St-Louis A, Pigeon É, Emmanuelle M, Lavoie M et Maurice P (2020). Pratique sécuritaire de la marche et du vélo à l'extérieur en contexte de pandémie de COVID-19. INSPQ: Montréal, Canada, 16 p.
- Rothman L, Cloutier MS, MacPherson A, Richmond S et Howard AW (2017) Spatial distribution of pedestrian-motor vehicle collisions before and after pedestrian countdown signal installation in Toronto, Canada. Injury Prevention, [En ligne].
- Rothman L, Cloutier MS, Manaugh K, Howard AW, Macpherson AK et Macarthur C (2020). Spatial distribution of roadway environment features related to child pedestrian safety by census tract income in Toronto, Canada. Injury Prevention, 26(3), 229-233.
- Scholl L, Elagaty M*, Ledezma-Navarro B*, Zamora E et Miranda-Moreno L (2019). A surrogate video-based safety methodology for diagnosis and evaluation of low-cost pedestrian-safety countermeasures: The case of Cochabamba, Bolivia. Inter-American Development Bank: Washington, DC, États-Unis 33 p.
- Stipancic J*, Miranda-Moreno L, Strauss J* et Labbe A (2020). Pedestrian safety at signalized intersections: Modelling spatial effects of exposure, geometry and signalization on a large urban network. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 134, 105265.
- Strauss J*, Zangenehpour S, Miranda-Moreno L, et Saunier N (2017). Cyclist deceleration rate as surrogate safety measure in Montreal using smartphone GPS data. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 99, 287-296.
- Strauss J* et Miranda-Moreno L (2017). Speed, travel time and delay for intersections and road segments in the Montreal network using cyclist Smartphone GPS data. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 57, 155-171.
- van den Berg P, Waygood O, van de Craats I et Kemperman A (2020). Factors affecting parental safety perception, satisfaction with school travel and mood in primary school children in the Netherlands. Journal of Transport & Health, 16, 100837.
- van Haperen W, Daniels S, De Ceunynck T, Saunier N, Brijs T et Wets G (2018). Yielding behavior and traffic conflicts at cyclist crossing facilities on channelized right-turn lanes. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 55, 272-281.
- Waygood O, Taniguchi A, Craig-St-Louis C et Xu X (2015). International origins of walking school buses and child fatalities in Japan and Canada. Traffic Science, 46(2), 30-42.
- Waygood O et Susilo Y (2015). Walking to school in Scotland: Do perceptions of neighbourhood quality matter? International Association of Traffic and Safey Sciences (IATSS) Research, 38(2), 125-129.
- Yasmin S* et Eluru N (2016). Latent segmentation based count models: Analysis of bicycle safety in Montreal and Toronto. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 95, 157-171.
- Young M, Savan B, Manaugh K et Scott J (2020). Mapping the demand and potential for cycling in Toronto. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 10.1080/15568318.2020.1746871.
- Beauchamp É*, Saunier N et Cloutier MS (2022). Study of automated shuttle interactions in city traffic using surrogate measures of safety. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologie, 135, 103465.
- Comité d'experts sur les véhicules connectés et autonomes et la mobilité partagée (incluant Cloutier MS et Gingras D; 2021). Concevoir l'avenir de l'automobile au Canada. Conseil des académies canadiennes : Ottawa, Canada, 273 p.
- Bounini F, Gingras D, Pollart H et Gruyer D (2020). From simultaneous localization and mapping to collaborative localization for intelligent vehicles. IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine, 10.1109/MITS.2019.2926368.
- Hancock PA, Kajaks T, Caird JK, Chignell MH, Mizobuchi S, Burns PC, ... Lavallière M, ... et Vrkljan BH (2020). Challenges to human drivers in increasingly automated vehicles. Human Factors, 62(2), 310–328.
- Saunier N, Bélisle F, Nouri P et Morency C (2017). Les véhicules connectés auront-ils un impact sur les émissions de gaz à effet de serre? Routes et Transports, 46(2), 47-51.
- Dionne G, Desjardins D et Angers JF (2021). Road safety for fleets of vehicles. International Journal of Banking, Finance and Insurance Technologies, 1(1), 31-59.
- Dionne G, Desjardins D et Angers JF (2020). Sécurité routière des flottes et des conducteurs de véhicules lourds. L'Actualité économique, Revue d'analyse économique, 96(3), 1-47.
- Desjardins D, Dionne G et Lu Y (2021). Hierarchical random effects model for insurance pricing of vehicles belonging to a fleet. Social Science Research Network, epub ahead of publication.
- Sekkay F, Imbeau D, Dubé PA, Chinniah Y, de Marcellis-Warin N, Beauregard N et Trépanier M. (2021). Assessment of physical work demands of long-distance industrial gas delivery truck drivers. Applied Ergonomics, 90, 103224.
- Sekkay F, Imbeau D, Dubé PA, Chinniah Y, de Marcellis-Warin N, Beauregard N et Trépanier M. (2020). Assessment of physical work demand of short distance industrial gas delivery truck drivers. Applied Ergonomics, 89, 103222.
- Cloutier MS et Lachapelle U (2021). The effect of speed reductions on collisions: A controlled before-and-after study in Quebec, Canada. Journal of Transport & Health, 22, 101137.
- Ling R, Rothman L, Hagel B, Macarthur C, Winters M, Churchill T, ... Cloutier MS et Howard A (2021). The relationship between motor vehicle speed and active school transportation at elementary schools in Calgary and Toronto, Canada. Journal of Transport and Health, 21, 101034.
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*L'astérisque identifie les membres étudiants et stagiaires postdoctoraux du RRSR.