2017 Symposium - Recipients

At the 6th Annual Road Safety Research Network of Quebec Conference, held on May 18 at the Institut national de la recherche scientifique, nine awards totaling $6750 were presented to student members of the Network.

Scientific articles contest - 2016

1st prize ($1,500)
Ting Fu, doctoral candidate, McGill University (under the supervision of Luis Miranda-Moreno and Nicolas Saunier)

  • Automatic Traffic Data Collection under Varying Lighting and Temperature Conditions in Multimodal Environments: Thermal versus Visible Spectrum Video-Based Systems. Journal of Advanced Transportation, vol. 2017, Article ID 5142732, 15 pages.

2nd prize ($1,000)
Ariane Vigeant, master's student, Université de Sherbrooke (under the supervision of Mélanie Levasseur)

  • Outil de sensibilisation des proches à la conduite automobile des aînés. La Revue canadienne du vieillissement, in press.

3rd prize ($500)
Joshua Stipancic, doctoral candidate, McGill University (under the supervision of Luis Miranda-Moreno and Nicolas Saunier)

  • Investigating the gender differences on bicycle-vehicle conflicts at urban intersections using an ordered logit methodology. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 97, 19-27.

Presentation at a conference or symposium contest - Spring 2017

Scholarships of $1,000
Nicolas Delucinge and Gabrielle-Anne Reid, master's students, Université Laval (under the supervision of Owen Waygood)

  • Transforming an alley-way: A place for people or for cars?
    International Conference on Transport and Health, June 26-29, 2017
    Barcelona, Spain

Perrine Ruer, PhD candidate, TÉLUQ (under the supervision of Évelyne Vallières)

  • Designing a mobile applicaiton for older adults: A case study to improve safe driving
    Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI) 2017, May 6-11, 2017
    Denver, United States

Student poster contest

1st prize ($1,000)
Noémie Cordelierdoctoral candidate, Université de Montréal (under the supervision of Jacques Bergeron and Jean Gagnon)  

  • L’impulsivité et la fréquence de consommation de cannabis comme prédicteurs de la prise de risque auto-rapportée chez les jeunes conducteurs

2nd prize ($500)
Nathaniel Moxley-Kelly, undergraduate student, Concordia University (under the supervision of Thomas G. Brown and Walter Marcantoni)

  • Selective benefit from brief Motivational Interviewing in DWI recidivist subgroups

3rd prize ($250)
Caroline Pagel-Grechi, master's student, Université du Québec à Montréal (under the supervision of Marie-Soleil Cloutier and Ugo Lachapelle) 

  • Amélioration de la sécurité routière aux intersections sans feu à Montréal : ce que nous apprennent les  perceptions déclarées des piétons

Student representative

Perrine Ruer will be the new student representative of the Nerwork's Executive Committee.