Good news

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Internship grant

Congratulations to Asma Mamri, doctoral student at Université de Sherbrooke, under the supervision of Marie Claude Ouimet and José Ignacio Nazif-Muñoz, for her FRQSC internship grant. Asma will complete her internship at Société de l'assurance automobile du Québec. 

Congratulations to Wiem Bargaoui, doctoral candidate at the Institut national de recherche scientifique – Urbanisation Culture Société Research Centre, under the supervision of Marie-Soleil Cloutier, for her FRQSC internship grant. Wiem will complete her internship at Voyagez Futé. 



Scientific articles contest - 2019

1st prize ($1,500)
Dorrie Rizzo, postdoctoral fellow, McGill University (under the supervision of Eva Libman)

2nd prize ($1,000)
Matin Nabavi Niaki, graduate student, Polytechnique Montréal (under the supervision of Nicolas Saunier and Luis Miranda-Moreno)

3rd prize ($500)
Aimée Thouin, graduate student, Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS) (under the supervision of Marie-Soleil Cloutier)

2019-2020 Master's, PhD and Postdoctoral Student Awards

Congratulations to the recipients of the 2019-2020 Student Awards! These awards were to be used as an effect of lever by students, either through the submission of provincial or federal scholarship applications (Option A, full coverage of the award by the RRSR), or a 50% participation by the RRSR and 50% by the research funds of the student's supervisor (Option B).

Master's level - $4,000
Frédérique Lehouillier, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi (under the supervision of Martin Lavallière; Option B)

  • Impact de la patrouille à vélo sur la santé et la condition physique des policiers : étude exploratoire à l'aide de mesures ambulatoires

Amigale Patoine, Université de Montréal (under the supervision of Jocelyn Faubert; Option B)

  • Visual acuity is even more important while driving in presence on multi-visual demands

Doctorate level - $5,000
Jesse Michaels, Université de Montréal (under the supervision of Jocelyn Faubert and Delphine Bernardin; Option B)

  • Effets d'un entrainement des habiletés perceptivo-cognitives sur les capacités de conduite automobile

Camille Savoie, Université Laval (under the supervision of Martin Lavallière; Option B)

  • Développement et validation d'un outil d’évaluation du risque à la conduite automobile de l'aîné

Postdoctorate level - $7,500
Laura Mikula, Université de Montréal (under the supervision of Jocelyn Faubert and Delphine Bernardin; Option B)

  • Caractérisation des comportements œil-tête lors de la réallocation d’attention pendant la conduite automobile

Dorrie Rizzo, Jewish General Hospital (under the supervision of Eva Libman; Option B)

  • L'apnée du sommeil et la conduite automobile: EEG, simulateur de conduite et micro-sommeils

Graduation scholarship - Fall 2019

Master's level - $3,500
Ghita Layile, Polytechnique Montréal (under the supervision of Martin Trépanier and Nicolas Saunier)

  • Évaluation de la performance des capteurs de détection pour améliorer la sécurité des usagers vulnérables

Doctorate level - $5,000
Manal Eldeb, McGill University (under the supervision of Thomas G. Brown and Marie Claude Ouimet)

  • Understanding DWI offender phenotypes: Decision to drive, hormonal and psycho-physiological associations, and interactions with alcohol

Bizmarck Ledezma-Navarro, McGill University (under the supervision of Luis Miranda-Moreno and Nicolas Saunier)

  • Methodology for evaluating the effectiveness of control devices at intersections with a focus on vulnerable road users



2018-2019 Master's, PhD and Postdoctoral Student Awards

Congratulations to the recipients of the 2018-2019 Student Awards! These awards were to be used as an effect of lever by students, either through the submission of provincial or federal scholarship applications (Option A, full coverage of the award by the RRSR), or a 50% participation by the RRSR and 50% by the research funds of the student's supervisor (Option B). Please note that the results of the post-doctoral competition have been added.

Master's level - $4,000

Molly Behan, McGill University (under the supervision of Luis Miranda-Moreno; Option B)

  • Evaluating the impact of converting a one-way stop intersection to an all-way stop intersection on safety and vehicular emissions

Frédéric Lefebvre, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi (under the supervision of Martin Lavallière; Option B)

  • Impact d’un entraînement des capacités fonctionnelles sur l’autonomie des personnes âgées et le transfert sur la conduite automobile

Doctorate level - $5,000

Camille Savoie, Université Laval (under the supervision of Philippe Voyer, Suzanne Bouchard and Martin Lavallière; Option B)

  • Étude sur la validité, la faisabilité et l'acceptabilité d'une évaluation infirmière de l'aptitude à la conduite automobile des personnes âgées

Postdoctorate level - $7,500

Ting Fu, McGill University (under the supervision of Luis Miranda-Moreno and Nicolas Saunier; Option B)

  • Automated driver behavior capturing under pedestrian-vehicle interaction context

Dorrie Rizzo, Jewish General Hospital (under the supervision of Eva Libman and Marc Baltzan; Option B)

  • L'apnée du sommeil et la conduite automobile: EEG, simulateur de conduite et micro-sommeils 

Contest for presentation at a conference or symposium - Fall 2018

Scholarship of $1,000

Derek Albert, PhD candidate, McGill University (under the supervision of Thomas G. Brown and Marie Claude Ouimet)

  • Studying the impact of negative mood-induced mind wandering on young male driving behaviour
    6th International Conference on Driver Distraction and Inattention, October 15-17, 2018
    Gothenburg, Sweden


Travel Award

Congratulations to McGill University student Nathaniel Moxley-Kelly, under the supervision of Thomas G. Brown, whom received a Marie Giguère Travel Award from the Douglas Mental Health University Institute. This award is associated to an amount of $500 and allowed Nathaniel to present at CARSP-ACPSER 2018, which took place June 10-13 in Victoria, British Columbia.


Traffic Safety Scholars

Congratulations to McGill University student Nathaniel Moxley-Kelly, under the supervision of Thomas G. Brown, whom was awarded a $ 1,000 scholarship to attend the 37th National Lifesavers Conference on Highway Safety Priorities, April 22-24 in San Antonio, Texas. He was also named a 2018 Lifesavers Traffic Safety Scholar (TSS). He is one of 50 U.S. and international students selected through a competitive application process. This conference showcases the latest research, evidence-based strategies, proven countermeasures, and promising new approaches for address the nation's most pressing traffic safety issues.



2017-2018 Master's, PhD and Postdoctoral Student Awards

Congratulations to the recipients of the 2017-2018 Student Awards! These awards were to be used as an effect of lever by students, either through the submission of provincial or federal scholarship applications (Option A, full coverage of the award by the RRSR), or a 50% participation by the RRSR and 50% by the research funds of the student's supervisor (Option B).

Master's level - $4,000

Nathaniel Moxley-Kelly, McGill University (under the supervision of Thomas G. Brown; Option A)

  • Longitudinal risk of recidivism for driving while intoxicated offenders with fearlessness and executive control impairment typological profiles
  • Typologically based controlled trials for interventions on driving while intoxicated offenders: A systematic review of the literature

Doctorate level - $5,000

Ting Fu, McGill University (under the supervision of Luis Miranda-Moreno and Nicolas Saunier; Option B)

  • A novel approach to evaluate pedestrian safety in different crosswalk environments and related treatments using trajectory data

Jesse Michaels, Université de Montréal (under the supervision of Jocelyn Faubert; Option B)

  • Effets d’un entraînement des habiletés perceptivo-cognitives sur les capacités de conduite automobile

Dorrie Rizzo, Université de Montréal (under the supervision of Eva Libman and Gilles Lavigne; Option B)

  • Devrait-on cibler tous les individus atteints de l'apnée du sommeil comme étant des conducteurs à risque élevé? Un profil de risque comportemental et psychologique.

Postdoctorate level - $7,500

Romain Chaumillon, Université de Montréal (under the supervision of Jocelyn Faubert; Option B)

  • Au-delà d'une bonne vision : influence de la qualité de l'information visuelle sur les mécanismes de réallocation attentionnelle au cours de la conduite automobile

Sergio Mejia Romero, Université de Montréal (under the supervision of Jocelyn Faubert; Option B)

  • Real visual cone analysis in driver's for the evaluation of perception strategies in driving simulators

José Ignacio Nazif-Muñoz, Université de Sherbrooke (under the supervision of Marie Claude Ouimet; Option A)

  • Global and national impact of child restraint legislation on variation in child occupant fatalities

Paul St-Aubin, HEC Montréal (under the supervision of Nicolas Saunier; Option B)

  • Road safety analysis of two- and four-way stop-controlled intersections using computer vision

Jillian Strauss, Polytechnique Montréal (under the supervision of Patrick Morency and Catherine Morency; Option B)

  • Comparaison des taux de blessés associés aux déplacements en automobile et en transport en commun pour l’ensemble du réseau routier de la région métropolitaine de Montréal

Contest for presentation at a conference or symposium - Fall 2017

Scholarships of 1000 $
Sylvanie Godillon, postdoctoral fellow (under the supervision of Marie-Soleil Cloutier)

  • IMGS 2017 - 17th International Medical Geography Symposium

Caroline Pigeon, postdoctoral fellow (under the supervision of Mélanie Levasseur)

  • 37e journées annuelles de la Société Française de Gériatrie et Gérontologie





Honour Roll

Congratulations to Université Laval student Sébastien Mackey whom was named to the Honour Roll of the Faculté des études supérieures et postdoctorales (FESP). During his master's studies, he maintained a GPA of over 4.1 / 4.3. His work focused on Les artères commerciales de Québec: proximité, accessibilité et fréquentation. Sébastien Mackey was under the supervision of Owen Waygood during 2016-2017.

Congratulations to Gabrielle Anne Reid, a graduate of Université Laval, whom was also named to the FESP Honour Roll. Gabrielle Anne Reid was under the supervision of Owen Waygood during her master's degree studies in spatial planning and regional development.




Francis Marleau-Donais, under the co-supervision of Owen Waygood, defended his doctoral thesis Intégrer le transport durable dans les processus décisionnels pour le réaménagement de rues: Application de l’aide multicritère à la décision successfully in december 2020. Francis presents his thesis in a text published on the website of the Réseau Villes Régions Monde, under the section Place à la Relève ! 


Derek Albert, PhD candidate under the supervision of Thomas G. Brow and Marie Claude Ouimet, is part of a group of trainees chosen by the Douglas Research Centre to showcase their work. We invite you to read his profile.





As part of the virtual program of the IXth Symposium of Réseau de recherche en sécurité routière du Québec, student poster sessions were organized to allow students and postdoctoral fellows to present their road safety projects.

Congratulations to the "Coup de coeur" award recipients!

Prix des chercheurs
Master’s level (Fundamental Concepts, Road Users and Human Factors axis)
- Yifan Wang, Université de Montréal (under the supervision of Jean-Sébastien Fallu and Christophe Huynh)

  • L'identité de genre comme facteur modérateur dans l'association entre l'impulsivité et la conduite après une consommation récente de cannabis

Doctorate level (Road Environment, Collisions, Methods and Data Analysis axis)
- Wooseok Do, McGill University (under the supervision of Luis Miranda-Moreno and Nicolas Saunier)

  • An empirical analysis of the effect of pedestrian-signal countdown timer on driver behavior at signalized intersections

Doctorate level (Fundamental Concepts, Road Users and Human Factors axis)
- Camille Savoie, UQAC (sunder the supervision of Philippe Voyer, Suzanne Bouchard and Martin Lavallière)

  • Développement d’un guide d’évaluation et d’accompagnement des conducteurs âgés à l’intention des infirmières

Postdoctorate level (Road Environment, Collisions, Methods and Data Analysis axis)
- Brice Batomen, INRS (under the supervision of Marie-Soleil Cloutier )

  • Impact des mesures d'apaisement de la circulation sur les collisions et les blessures : une étude longitudinale 

Prix des Partenaires
- Fatima-Zahra Dahak, Polytechnique Montréal (under the supervision of Nicolas Saunier )

  • Étude de la cohabitation des cyclistes et piétons sur des rues piétonnes par analyse vidéo

Prix des amis
- Asma Mamri, Université de Sherbrooke (under the supervision of Marie Claude Ouimet and José Ignacio Nazif-Muñoz)

  • Services de raccompagnement visant la réduction de la capacité de conduire affaiblie : Développement d’une classification des caractéristiques des programmes


Congratulations to the recipients of the 2022 High Scoring Abstract Award awarded by ICTH 2022!
Yasser Amiour, graduate student, Polytechnique Montréal (under the supervision of Owen Waygood)

  • The Relationship between Built Environment Characteristics and Parents’ Perceptions of Children’s Traffic Safety on the Trip to School

Camille Garnier, doctoral student, Polytechnique Montréal (under the supervision of Martin Trépanier and Catherine Morency)

  • Mobility Disparities between People with and without Disabilities – Montreal Case Study

Bobin Wang, former postdoctoral fellow, Polytechnique Montréal (under the supervision of Owen Waygood)

  • Insight into the Nonlinear Effect of COVID-19 on Well-Being in China: ​Commuting, a Vital Ingredient


Congratulations to Camille Savoie, doctoral candidate at Université Laval, under the supervision of Martin Lavallière, for her second place in the student poster competition, which was held during the CARSP/PRI Joint Conference 2021. 


Congratulations to Cédric Leroux-Boisvert, undergraduate student at University of Montreal and intern for Summer 2021 at Université de Sherbrooke, under the supervision of Marie Claude Ouimet, for the best presentation prize at the undergraduate level during the 14th Scientific Day of the Department of Psychology at the University of Montreal, held on May 12, 2021.